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Customer Story

Insights drive energy efficiency for a global coatings manufacturer


Business goals

Energy usage is a significant component in manufacturing, and optimising it would translate into sizeable savings.
This project was undertaken to:


Digitalise the customer’s existing metering infrastructure


Understand and analyse equipment usage and energy efficiency


Left in the dark about usage

The customer lacked information and clarity:


Was highly dependent on monthly utility bills to monitor and view electrical consumption


Had no visibility on equipment-level consumption


Had no data to conduct analysis and optimisation on equipment and processes

Without data insights, making decisions and taking action remained a guessing game.


Shining a light on utilities usage

SP Digital deployed its innovative GET® Insights to give this customer visibility on their utilities usage.


6 smart electricity meters for energy usage monitoring


Utility monitoring and insights dashboard to manage, monitor, report and optimise


No major retrofitting of site was needed


Translating insights into actions

Switching to an automated system allows the customer to access granular data, gain insights and take action, in order to drive energy savings:

Reduces time and resources needed for manual meter readings and data processing

Enables granular monitoring of electrical usage by the different equipment and machines across the manufacturing facility

Enables optimisation to be performed on equipment and machines with data and insights

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